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Health Insurance

Health insurance has become a necessity for each and every individual. It is unpleasant to think of a medical emergency befalling on your loved ones, but life can be cruel and unpredictable regardless of age. While precautionary measures are useful and necessary, it is critical to recognize the importance of health insurance in your life. The insurance cover offers a financial safety net against expenses, which are caused because of any unplanned medical emergencies.

A few reasons that enhance the importance of medical insurance are:

1) Deal with changing Lifestyle
It is no surprise that more individuals are dealing with diseases at a younger age due to changes in lifestyle. The escalating pollution levels, the pace of life, stress, and habits are few factors that result in unexpected medical conditions. The need for medical insurance has never been more urgent than in the present.

2) Protect Your Loved Ones
When you are looking for a suitable health insurance plan, the needs of your family are the top-most priority. Given the importance of health insurance for meeting medical expenses, it is more significant for people with financially dependent family members. The burden on a single income source for multiple people's healthcare is unimaginable.

3) Meet the Rising Medical Expenses
The cost of getting quality medical treatment has risen exponentially over the last few years. Along with that, the number of people suffering from diseases and critical illnesses is also considerably huge. It is an unfortunate and harsh reality that we are all vulnerable to it. The importance of health insurance is prominent in dealing with medical inflation. When you go to the doctor, there are several charges for consultation, medical tests, prescription medicine, room rent, etc. You can effectively manage them if you understand why health insurance is important at the right time.

4) Protect Your Savings

A sudden illness is the cause of severe mental and physical stress. On top of that, if you are not financially equipped to meet the expenses, it will add to your burden greatly. No one wants to be deprived of reliable healthcare due to a lack of funds. The ability to protect your savings and aid your recovery adds to the importance of health insurance.
The importance of health insurance in preserving your savings can be extraordinary. You can hold on to your savings and use them for other purposes such as buying a home, funding your child's education, and more.

5) Tax Benefits
Considering the importance of health insurance, the Government of India extends certain tax deductions to purchasing a health plan. You can refer to Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, to review the applied benefits to your plan. Tax benefits are as prevailing tax laws subject to change
It is crucial to choose a trusted insurance provider who comprehends the importance of health insurance and offers relevant benefits. As the policyholder, you must have the satisfaction of selecting one after careful comparison of the benefits and features they offer.

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