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Life Insurance

Life insurance is an important step in the financial planning process and it provides money; or what's generally known as a death benefit; to your chosen beneficiary after your death. It can help give your loved ones access to money, when they need it. Understanding life insurance can help you plan for your family's long-term financial needs.

Reasons Why Life Insurance Is Important

  • It Can Help to Financially Protect Your Family
  • It Can Replace Lost Income
  • It Can Help Your Loved Ones Pay Off Debt
  • It Can Cover Funeral Expenses
  • It Can Help to Pay for Future Education Expenses

It is a defensive measure and is considered one of the most important factors for the peace of mind for individual and family. While there's no denying that the future is always uncertain, even more so in these unprecedented times, getting appropriate cover allows you to create a 'safety net' for some of your most likely risks.

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